Reactive Rover

Not sure where to start? Sign up for an assessment either online or to bring your dog and have our trainer evaluate you and your dog to help you figure out what is best for you. We will discuss with you the various options we have and see what might work best for you. Click here to schedule an assessment now.

Behavior Modification

Is your dog reactive to other dogs or people or just stuff?
Are you at your wits end trying to figure out how to help him?
Do you dream of being able to take your dog out in the world, but are just too nervous? The lunging, the pulling, it’s just easier to stay home?

We deal with all types of aggression. Whether it is just starting or it has been going of for a while, we can create a path to happier, healthier dog lifestyle for you and your dog. I won’t lie…it’s going to be some work. But if you are willing to put in the work, we can definitely help you on your path forward. Schedule as assessment today!

Reactive Dog to Relaxed Dog!

Reactive Dogs create so much stress for us, we can’t believe that we could eventually have a relaxed dog. But we can! I am not going to lie! It will take work and dedication, but we can absolutely help you with this! First we will lay the proper obedience foundation to give us clear structure and tools to work with! Once we have that we can work on changing the dogs emotions about what it is they are reacting to. We have to be honest, we can’t promise that a dog aggressive dog will learn to LOVE all dogs and be a dog park dog! That’s just not realistic (usually)! 

How do we get there? We have to teach you and your dog excellent obedience and then teach you how to understand and neutralize your dogs triggers. Here’s how we will do that:

12 private lessons (in person or online)

Our online Course: Communicate with Clarity

Our private online community

BiMonthly Online Lectures

BiMonthly Online Q&A’s

In person group classes once you are in Phase 3 (this is where we do the hard work in the group class)

Monthly (sometimes bimonthly) Group field trips. 

All of this for 2 years so that we can get you where you need to be and support you once you make the adjustments. 

Price $2750


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