Schutzhund IPO IGP Obedience

Not sure where to start? Sign up for an assessment either online or to bring your dog and have our trainer evaluate you and your dog to help you figure out what is best for you. We will discuss with you the various options we have and see what might work best for you. Click here to schedule an appointment now.

Schutzhund / IPO / IGP  Obedience

Whether you are interested in IPO/IGP (formerly Schutzhund) obedience, rally, or some other competitive obedience, we can help you. We teach drive-based obedience for sport, which also creates incredibly wonderful companion obedience. Interested in learning how to teach that incredible heeling and retrieving? We can definitely help you – schedule an assessment today!

IGP  Obedience Intensive Program

You know you where you want to go and you know you want intensive coaching, then this program is for you. This is a two year program designed to get you through your BH (as well as common house /dog manners). You may or may not get started on dumbbells, but you will have all the knowledge to get there! This program does not include our IGP club membership, but works very well hand in hand. Once you have done this program, you should be off and running with a solid foundation in our IGP club. 

Obedience Membership Program

If you want to get started, but not sure the sport is for you or you feel like you have a solid foundation but need some help on how to get there, this program is for you. Our obedience membership program is a great entry way into the sport, allowing you to see if it’s for you, before you commit seriously or offers you some help to tweak things as you learn on your own from our online content. You will have access to all our Communicate With Clarity online content, including the community as well as all of our Communicate with Clarity in person classes where you can work on your skills! This is a great companion program for our IGP club, that allows you to get obedience feedback on your IGP Journey. 

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