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Communicate with Clarity 301:

This class is a part of our core obedience program, Communicate with Clarity. Students must have completed the skills in both CWC 101 and CWC 201 before coming to this class. This is the class where we focus on putting together all of the skills we learned in the prior courses and start doing things with distractions. In the first two courses, we focused on learning in a quiet environment, but now we are bringing those cues into the distractions. This class focuses on doing that with an emphasis on understanding threshold and focusing on learning where your dogs threshold is and decreasing it so that you can easily work around others.

This class focuses on bringing fluency amongst the distractions of the other dogs. All dogs work on the field, doing individually appropriate cues (bed, down, loose lead walking, etc…). Instructor works with one dog at a time to advance them on the cues with the distractions at whatever level they are working on. All other students may listen and learn from the Individual coaching, and students may be grouped together who are doing “like” work, but each dog team will get individualized time during the class. Students should come prepared with an understanding of what they want help to work on (game plan can be established with instructor ahead of time), but only the student knows what they were able to work on during the week and where they may have struggled. The goal is to have each person moving forward each class session. The overall focus of this class is to master your cues (skills) under distractions)

This class be continuously used as students advance to introduce new cues from our “Skills” library in a controlled environment, once they have completed their basic cues. It is the appropriate place for our specialty students to work on their advanced cues, once they have finished teaching the behavior and want to introduce those cues under distraction.  Once you have mastered the basic cues in this class, then student will begin attending the CWC 401 “Out and Abouts” and take their skills into the community.